Achieve Your New Year's Resolutions - Tips for Lasting Success

Achieve Your New Year's Resolutions - Tips for Lasting Success

Happy New Year to my wine marketers and small business owner friends! I’m curious—are you planning on making any New Year’s Resolutions for 2023?

Maybe a word of the year to motivate your career and personal goals?  I am sticking with REFIGURE for the second year in a row because I don’t feel like I am done with it yet.

It is difficult to anticipate what the coming year will hold in such an unsteady economy, and with the pandemic still very much present (my husband has COVID for the second time right now, while I have continued to be negative for 3+ years).

As you look forward to your resolutions that will begin after the clock strikes twelve, perhaps you can reframe them as “future-casting,” or simply “goal-planning.” This is effectively dreaming up a road map for success and prosperity throughout not only this year, but beyond!

Can you guarantee that your New Year’s resolutions will become reality? No, or else we'd all be billionaires by now (take that, second-richest man in the world—for now)! But you can take steps to increase the likelihood of your goal-planning yielding positive results.

It may seem a bit daunting initially, but having an action plan in place will get your goals on track. Remember why setting realistic goals is essential to you reaching your dreams. That's the real motivator!

It's also a good idea to keep in mind that resolutions may need to be adjusted throughout the year, so stay flexible and be prepared for any potential surprises. 

With these tips, you're sure to have your most successful year yet! So, cheers to a great year and a glass of bubbly—here's to achieving all of your goals!

Here are a few tips for making your New Year's resolutions successful: 

Know the difference between short-term and long-term goals -  It is important to identify the difference between short-term and long-term goals when setting your New Year's resolutions. Short-term goals are those that can be accomplished in a shorter amount of time, while long-term goals may take longer to achieve.

By understanding this distinction, you can ensure that you set realistic goals—ones you can accomplish in the New Year. Additionally, setting both short-term and long-term goals can be beneficial for businesses, as it helps them to stay focused on what needs to be done in the present moment while also aiming for growth and development in the future. Having a mix of both types of goals can help businesses stay motivated throughout the year to achieve success.  

Create an action plan - This plan should include breaking down your large goals into smaller, more achievable steps and habits and assigning timelines and deadlines to each task. It is also important to have room for adjustments so you can remain flexible if the plan needs to be adjusted. By creating an action plan and keeping it realistic, wine marketers and small business owners can stay on track and reach their New Year's resolutions successfully.
Develop sustainable habits - It is critical to understand the difference between being consistent and being sustainable when it comes to your New Year resolutions. While I strive to remain consistent, it is ultimately essential that I develop healthy and lasting habits (i.e., sustainable habits).

As I've discovered, my energy will inevitably differ from day to day, meaning that if I'm too relentless with any given goal, it can quickly become too hard for me to sustain over time. So instead of being inflexible and pushing myself beyond what's practical, adjusting my objectives keeps me on track while also freeing me from exhaustion along the way.

On low-energy days, it's important to remember that you don't have to do the same amount of work that you usually do. It can be helpful to focus on activities that are low-intensity and require minimal physical or mental effort. Instead, try switching up your routine; do something that doesn’t require as much physical or mental energy, like listening to music or taking a walk.  

On the flip side, take advantage of high-energy days by focusing on your work and buckling down on your tasks. You may feel more motivated and able to tackle more challenging tasks. This could include working on a project or tackling something you’ve been putting off.

Examples of sustainable habits: 

For a goal of reading more: On a high-energy day, you could set the goal of reading for an hour. On a low-energy day, your goal can be to read for 15 minutes.

For movement (not just working out): On a high-energy day, plan a trip to the gym for a 45-minute high-intensity workout, and on a low-energy day, feel good about taking a 10-minute walk around the block. Because ALL movement is better than sitting at your desk all day. 

Another example for marketers looking to create habits to hit bigger-picture goals: On a high-energy day, set the goal of crossing off three big tasks for the entire day. On a low-energy day, your goal can be only to cross off one task and take a break.

No matter what type of day it is, don't forget to be kind to yourself. Remember that progress isn't always linear. 

Listen to your own body - This took me a long time to learn, but it’s important to listen to your body and recognize when it's time to take a break. By taking breaks to supplement your energy levels, you are creating habits that are consistent but also sustainable in the long-term.

Allow yourself some “me-time” - It's essential to remember the importance of taking care of yourself throughout the year. Setting time aside for yourself away from work or stressful situations can help you stay motivated and reach your New Year's resolutions successfully. Schedule some “me-time” throughout the year. This could mean taking a day off from work, going out with friends, or simply enjoying some alone time. 

By allowing yourself this much-needed break and relaxation, you can ensure that you have the energy and enthusiasm needed to make your New Year's resolutions a reality. 

Stay focused and don't give up - It's natural to experience failure or setbacks throughout the year. However, it is important to remember that our New Year's resolutions are goals in the long-term. Even when faced with unexpected challenges, we must remain focused on the big picture and not give up.

Plan ways to stay motivated - Stay motivated by rewarding yourself for reaching milestones, or create reminders that keep you on track with your resolutions. This will help you remain focused and keep chugging when things get tough. For example, you could set a goal to exercise regularly and then reward yourself with a massage or a new workout outfit every time you reach a certain number of workouts. Or, you could create a daily reminder on your phone to review your resolutions and visualize your progress, which can help keep you motivated and focused on your goals.

Celebrate successes and learn from failures - We should celebrate both successes and failures when we make New Year's resolutions. Celebrating our successes provides motivation, while learning from our failures keeps us pliable and constantly evolving. By taking the time to reflect on the progress we’ve made, we can remain focused and excited about what is yet to come.

Get the right tools - Finally, small businesses’ success relies on having the right tools. Investing in the resources needed to make your resolutions come true can be key for long-term success. Whether it’s investing in software for better tracking or simply purchasing more supplies, having the right resources in place can bring you closer to reaching your goals.

We ALL have a lot to juggle throughout the year. By setting realistic goals, creating an action plan, allowing yourself some “me-time,” and staying focused, you can confidently head in the direction of your resolutions in 2023.

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